A Design for Life


What Are Anxiety Disorders and How to Help?

What Are Anxiety Disorders and How to Help?

We are all dealing with a lot of stress in our lives. Occasional anxiety is normal in humans, whether it is caused by work, studies or relationships. Life is full of ups and downs and some situations can make us worry such as, taking a test, making an important decision, or going for an interview. However, anxiety disorders are different from the nervousness that you may feel, the symptoms are more extreme. Instead of occasional stress or nervousness, they involve excessive fear or anxiety. Anxiety disorder is the most common mental illness in the world. Several adults and adolescents experience it frequently, it is not limited to any age. Anxiety is linked to muscle tension and avoidance behavior. It not only affects your mental health, but it also robs you of many wonderful life experiences. People with anxiety tend to avoid social situations, for example, get-togethers with family, hangouts with friends, and even work. Anxiety can negatively impact your school or job performance, if not treated on time.

Are Anxiety Disorders Really That Common?

Anxiety disorders, especially in the United States, are more widespread than you may think. Around 30% of adults have experienced or currently have an anxiety disorder. In the previous two years, the COVID-19 pandemic led to an increase in mental illnesses. Many people felt the symptoms of anxiety and depression during this time. According to a recent study, cases of anxiety disorders are on the rise globally and females were more affected than men.

What Are the Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety disorders are not a single condition but a group of connected problems, which is why symptoms may vary from person to person. It has different types including, panic disorder, phobias, social anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some people may experience panic attacks without a warning, nightmares, stomach pain, painful thoughts, and overthinking without control. Increasing heart rate, restlessness, and difficulty sleeping are also common symptoms. You may not experience all of these symptoms as it depends on the type and severity of your anxiety disorder. However, general fear or worry is present in every anxiety disorder. 

How Can Anxiety Be Diagnosed?

Anxiety cannot be diagnosed by a single test, it requires a series of evaluation and psychological questionnaires. To find a diagnosis, a mental health professional would need you to share your thoughts, feelings, and stress-related events or triggering situations. Anxiety can be linked to other mental health problems as well such as depression. It is important to receive a proper diagnosis before moving to the next and critical step, which is treatment.

How Are Anxiety Disorders Treated?

Like any physical health condition, mental disorders also require treatment. In recent years, there has been a rise in mental health awareness, as well as advancements in research. Anxiety disorders can be treated in two ways.


Mental health professionals such as psychiatrists or psychologists are skilled in managing anxiety disorders. They can devise a treatment plan for you that will be pretty helpful for coping with anxiety. A psychotherapist uses a variety of strategies, for example, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Exposure Therapy. After diagnosis and learning more about your mental disorder, therapists help you learn different ways to manage intrusive thoughts. Although not every individual needs psychotherapy, lifestyle changes may also work for some people, but it is always better to seek professional help.

Medications or supplements

Psychiatrists are the mental health experts who, based on your mental disorder, can prescribe medications to you, depending on your mental disorder. They can be antidepressants or anti-anxiety pills, and they are proven to be effective in many cases. Along with these medications, there are several other alternatives available nowadays, one of which is CBD oil. Many people have benefited from it, so you can use the oil for anxiety disorders, too.


We understand that anxiety disorders can be tough to deal with, and they can make your life daunting. Getting a proper diagnosis and following the treatment can help you with your anxiety in the long term.